" We, Maghreb Business Billionaires, passionately help women to reach their goals by strategically establishing confidence and expertise." Team MBB

Amy Mikhaiel est une entrepreneuse algéro-américaine et investisseuse. Elle a fondé Amy's Angels Cleaning™, élue trois fois meilleure entreprise de nettoyage en Californie. Après avoir émigré aux États-Unis en 2008, Amy a lancé plusieurs entreprises prospères et créé Maghreb Business Billionaires™ (MBB), une plateforme dédiée à l'autonomisation des femmes maghrébines. Aujourd'hui, elle anime des séminaires et des ateliers à travers le monde, ayant un impact positif sur la communauté maghrébine et aidant ses membres à atteindre leurs objectifs personnels et professionnels.

Lire Mon Histoire

COO/ Directive Manager

Welcome to the website, I am Karen the directive manager. I am Egyptian, from Cairo, Egypt and I am currently a student studying Law in California University of Riverside! I've been working with Amy, building Amy's Angels™ Cleaning, Inc., Mops To Millions™, & now Maghreb Business Billionaires™!! I enjoy studying, web designing, and technology. Follow me @karen.design.la!


Creative Manager / Admin

Meet Yasmine Boudouha, a driven Algerian designer, passionate about details, aesthetics and cultures.

Graduated from the Polytechnical School of Architecture in Algiers in 2018. She currently has a business where she is sharing her knowledge and expertise in marketing and design online. She connected with Amy through her @moodc_design Instagram account, as they shared the same goals and dreams.

“I fell in love with the idea of helping Maghrebian women from all over the world to create their own businesses by giving them the right tools and that’s exactly why I am here .”  - Yasmine

At MBB™ Yasmine gets to connect with exceptional women while doing what she loves to do most everyday. She aspires to bring peace, love, & positive change to the MBB™ community.

Social Media Manager 

Boudouha Zineb 

I am a 25 years old Algerian, I studied marketing in the University of Algiers 3 Ibrahim Sultan Cheibout and I have a BTS degree in international business.

I started this journey with MBB in 2021.

I am passionate and experienced on Social Media Management , I worked with national and international companies all over the word. My strengths are a strong understanding of the latest trends and skills of creating effective social media strategies that's what gives MBB's social media presence that authentic yet vibrant feel. I am very passionate about the world of social media so I share it on @thezyypassion and I made it my profession, Like they say "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."